Connecting IMU sensors in Vicon Nexus

Connecting your IMeasureU sensors in Nexus is very similar to connecting other 3rd party devices. Follow these steps to complete the process:

  1. Open nexus 2.7 – previous versions of Nexus do not support IMU integration
  2. In system pane (left hand side of page):
    • Right click devices,
    • Add digital device,
    • Select ImeasureU.
  3. Device will appear
  4. Click on device and adjust properties:
    • Type in the “serial number”,
    • Change name to what suits your purpose (sensor number is an easy option)
  5. Repeat this for all sensors you have

You now have all your sensors connected to Vicon Nexus!


Unsure how to capture data with your IMUs?

Confused about sensor modes and capture rates for your IMU?

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