IMU Sensor Modes and Capture Rates

When setting up your IMeasureU sensors it is important to set the appropriate capture rates for your desired sensor mode. IMeasureU sensors offer 3 sensor modes based on the capture rate:

  • 100 Hz – accelerometer (x,y,z) gyroscope (x,y,z) and magnetometer (x,y,z) data
  • 250 Hz – accelerometer (x,y,z) and gyroscope  (x,y,z) data
  • 500 Hz – accelerometer (x,y,z) data

To change the sensor mode and capture rates you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Open graph view with the sensor selected – it will show the graphs for each axis (x, y and z) of each sensor.
  2. In properties section select the frequency that you wish to capture.
  3. The graph view will update the number of axis in real time being graphed as appropriate.

Need to capture IMU data in Nexus? Make sure to check out this helpful article on capturing data here.

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