Want to capture movement at submillimeter accuracy?

Our Brisbane based studio has all of the technology you need for production-ready motion capture.
With plenty of room for large-scale stunt sequences and multiple person VR environment simulations and the precision to capture the subtlest nuances. The Logemas studio is capable of capturing 8 performers at once using Vicon’s Shogun software and full facial capture using Vicon Cara
State-of-the-art technology and software means producing more content, better and faster. Not time spent cleaning up. We are able to provide high-quality real-time animation, virtual camera for planning your shots and much more.
Logemas has provided the studio for animation projects, VR demos, training workshops and engineering product development. With all the latest Vicon hardware and software there is no motion capture project too big or too small.
The Logemas studio has state-of- the-art cameras and accessories for your motion capture needs.
- 20 Vicon motion capture cameras
- Cara lite / Cara stereo head mounted camera facial capture
- Virtual camera with real time display
- PC’s for real-time, capture, producers and on-site cleaning
- Realtime feed throughout volume for easy visualisation
- Synchronised SDI video and Vicon Vue video for 3D overlay
- Virtual reality headsets and backpacks
- Motion Capture Suits (all sizes)
- Markers
Services Available
Logemas provides expert services to aid you with your motion capture project.
- Capture staff
- Support staff
- Digital cleanup
- Retargeting
- Actors / Specialised Actors
- Prop & Set Building
- Pipeline Consulting
- Rigging
- 1st Pass Animation
- Previz asset preparation
- Capture consultation
- Onsite engineers available to capture, support, clean data if required
Logemas is here to help
Ready to get started
Arrange a demo to see our motion capture products in action.